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How to increase your website sales with CRO and A/B Testing

To maximise sales on your website, every customer interaction counts. From the moment users land on your site to placing items in their basket and completing purchases, each step must be optimised for a seamless user experience that drives sales and fosters loyalty. How? Through CRO and A/B Testing strategies!

In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of implementing CRO and A/B testing strategies. If you’d like personalised support for your business, contact us at Also, if you have time, take a look at our webinar video at the bottom of the blog featuring insights from our clients Sigma Sports and Great Rail Journeys on boosting website conversion rates.

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and A/B Testing?

First things first, let’s explain exactly what CRO and A/B Testing in this context mean. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the strategic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. It involves analysing user behaviour and making targeted improvements to enhance the effectiveness of your website or landing page, ultimately boosting conversions without needing more traffic.

A/B testing, or split testing, is a method used to compare two versions (A and B) of a webpage, email, or app screen to determine which one performs better in achieving a specific goal. By randomly showing different versions to users and measuring their responses, businesses can identify which changes lead to higher conversion rates or better user engagement. This data-driven approach helps you optimise your marketing strategies by focusing on what truly resonates with the audience.

Understanding the Impact of Conversion Rate

Improving conversion rates isn’t just a metric – it’s a powerful tool for boosting the overall performance of your website – and even marginal improvements in conversion rates can lead to significant profitability gains.

Identifying Effective Changes with A/B Testing

Effective CRO starts with pinpointing small changes that drive substantial shifts in consumer behaviour. Tools such as Simplify offer flexibility to adapt to team needs and operational requirements. Choosing the right platform – whether that be Simplify, Adobe Target, or Google Optimize – depends on aligning with specific business goals and scalability needs.

Executing A/B Tests with Precision

Executing A/B tests involves more than technical proficiency; it requires confidence, support, and ongoing training. For example, to ensure meticulous test execution you need to make sure that your variants not only perform well but also enhance user experience. For example, optimising your checkout processes or using mobile-friendly features such as sticky add-to-basket buttons.

Strategic Implementation: Optimising User Experience Across Devices

For sectors dealing with high-value products or niche markets, optimising user trust and experience is crucial. Understanding customer behaviour and purchase patterns informs strategic decisions around website design and checkout flows. This approach demands continuous adaptation across different verticals to sustain competitive advantage.

Innovating for Future Growth: Leveraging AI and Personalisation

Integrating AI-driven insights into CRO initiatives is a game-changer. From analysing call centre data to predicting product preferences through AI models, data-driven decision-making enhances personalisation and engagement. This approach not only boosts customer satisfaction but also drives revenue through targeted recommendations and adaptive merchandising.

Overcoming Challenges: Balancing Efficiency with Conversion Goals

While A/B testing and CRO offer substantial benefits, balancing cost efficiency with conversion optimisation is still a challenge. You need to justify the initial investment, manage budget constraints, and create a collaborative client-agency relationship in order to optimise conversion rates sustainably.

Conclusion: Take a proactive approach and continuously refine

In order to maximise your profits through A/B testing and CRO you’ll need to take a proactive approach to experimentation and optimisation – and continuously refine your strategies. This includes rigorously testing, analysing customer behaviour, and benchmarking outcomes.  It’s important to note though, CRO and A/B testing practices should not be seen as just tools, but integral components of a broader strategy aimed at enhancing the engagement of your customers and driving overall business success.

Watch our webinar on CRO and A/B Testing?

Our Head of Optimisation Luke McDermott and CEO John Readman were joined by two of our clients for whom we support from a CRO perpective: Jack Dennison from Sigma Sports and Eoin Kenneally from Great Rail Journeys.  In the webinar they discussed in more detail the best ways to maximise the profits from your website using CRO and A/B testing.


Luke McDermott - Modo25
Luke McDermott
Luke McDermott - Modo25
Luke McDermott
Head of Optimisation - Modo25

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