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How many conversions does Google Ads need for machine learning?

In this week’s digital news to watch, our Senior Performance Marketing Manager Tom and Senior Performance Marketing Executive Kylie, discuss Google Ads conversions, Google’s privacy changes, expensive advertising in 2022 and the right to be forgotten on Google.

How many conversions do Google Ads need for machine learning to work?

For machine learning to work effectively, you need 15 conversions. Google rarely talk about the inner workings of their smart bidding, so it’s interesting news that the Google Ads liaison has revealed it would need a minimum of 15 conversions to get their machine learning working.

In the past, we’ve heard numbers between 30-100 but it seems as though this has reduced. Despite this, customers are likely to see better performance as they increase conversions and may look to target softer metrics if they fall below the 15 a month mark.

$230 billion knocked off Facebook’s market cap due to Google’s privacy changes

Google has announced new privacy changes to their mobile devices, similar to the ones released by Apple, advertising ID will be replaced by a proprietary system.

Tracking users across apps would become significantly more difficult and Facebook/Meta is going to see the biggest impact again after last years changes wiped $232billion from their value.

Why digital advertising is so expensive in 2022

Prices on digital are continuing to rise as demand is increasing across all channels including previously cheaper channels like YouTube and TikTok.

With many advertisers exiting Facebook over performance challenges, digital budgets have gone into channels that have continued to work meaning we’re also seeing increases on paid search as well. With digital marketing becoming more and more important for brands we’re likely going to see the market continue to squeeze higher and higher prices.

Indexing won’t improve with good core web vitals scores

In a recent Google Search Central hangout, John Mueller confirmed that good Core Web Vitals scores don’t necessarily lead to improved indexing of your site.

As site quality is directly related to indexing, a user questioned whether Core Web Vitals scores would impact the site quality score and therefore how may pages get indexed. Mueller confirmed that Core Web Vitals are ranking factors, not quality factors, however, and so won’t have a direct impact on indexing.

The right to be forgotten on Google

Google recently posted a video reminding website owners about their right to be forgotten. As your site gets older, there may be content left on your site and elsewhere on the web that is no longer be reflective of who you are today but it still appears in Google’s search results.

The ‘Right to be Forgotten’ (RTBF) allows you to request Google to deindex pages that refer to your name or specific incidents related to you if they are inaccurate or irrelevant. Although the information will still be there, it won’t appear in SERPs and therefore is less likely to be seen.

If you would like support with your digital marketing or a strategy guidance surrounding the metaverse, get in touch with our industry specialists by sending us an email to

Kylie Moody - Modo25
Kylie Moody
Kylie Moody - Modo25
Kylie Moody

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