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Digital news to watch: AI is your partner, make use of your ‘digital doppelganger’

Welcome to this week’s digital news roundup by Modo25, where we bring you the latest updates and trends shaping the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and technology. In this week’s news, we discuss the role of AI as a collaborative partner and ‘digital doppelganger’, the UK’s upcoming Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence, Google’s debunking of the index bloat theory, the launch of Google’s Perspectives filter in mobile search results, Google Ads’ removal of industry-wide trademark blocks, and the recent controversy surrounding gender discrimination in Facebook job ads.

‘AI is your partner, not your secret’: Making use of your ‘digital doppelganger’

At PR Daily’s Media Relations Conference, held this week in Washington, D.C, Andrew Davis, a bestselling author, said that the output of any generative AI product is a collaboration between you and the tool. Your training, guidance and voice is what inspires the final product the machine creates.

This creator  becomes something Davis calls a “digital doppelganger”: that new being created by AI learning and your training. Your digital doppelganger is unique to you and your prompts.

UK to host first global summit on Artificial Intelligence

As the world grapples with the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the UK will host the first major global summit on AI safety. The summit, to be held in London, aims to bring together global leaders, policymakers, and experts to discuss and collaborate on the opportunities and challenges posed by AI.

The event will focus on key areas such as ethical AI, responsible innovation, and building public trust in AI technologies. The summit is seen as an important platform for promoting international cooperation and setting standards for the development and deployment of AI across different sectors. It will also provide an opportunity for the UK to showcase its leadership in AI and its commitment to harnessing AI for the benefit of society.

Google started to roll out Perspectives feature on mobile

The new Perspectives feature was introduced at Google I/O and aims to provide searchers with a more “lived experience” through videos, forums and user generated content such as blogs and social media posts, to show a more personal opinion. Google have now started to introduce this feature on real user devices, so it will be interesting to follow how users respond to this new feature.

Google debunks index bloat theory

Google have debunked a common theory that index bloat limits the number of pages that can be indexed per site in a recent Search Off The Record podcast. Rather than focus solely on the number of pages you are providing for indexing, you should focus on making sure all of these pages are of high quality and helpful to users. Although we now know there’s no official limit to number of pages that can be indexed, we do know that recent site wide classifiers have been introduced, so if you have a higher percentage of low-quality pages to high quality pages, your site health in general could suffer from these excessive pages, so it is still something worth monitoring.

Facebook faces new allegations of gender discrimination in job ads

Facebook is facing criticism for allegedly allowing gender-discriminatory job advertisements on its platform. According to a report by civil rights organisation Asequels, some employers were able to target job ads specifically towards men, excluding women from viewing those opportunities. This practice potentially violates anti-discrimination laws. Facebook’s ad targeting system has previously faced scrutiny for enabling discrimination based on race, age, and other factors. The company stated that it has taken steps to address these concerns and will continue to refine its systems to prevent such discriminatory practices. This incident highlights the ongoing challenges of ensuring fairness and equality in online advertising platforms.

Google Ads industry wide blocks for trademarks going away July 24

Previously, advertisers were restricted from using trademarked terms in their ad copy. However, Google Ads has now allowed advertisers in select industries to use trademarked terms, giving them more flexibility in their ad campaigns. This change enables advertisers to better represent their products or services in their ads, leading to more relevant and accurate ad messaging. Advertisers will still need to adhere to local laws and regulations regarding trademark usage. The move reflects Google Ads’ effort to provide advertisers with more control and options in their advertising strategies while balancing trademark protection concerns.

For more information on any of these digital updates or if you’d like to discuss how we can help your digital strategy, get in touch with our team by sending us an email to 

Tom Pickard  - Modo25
Tom Pickard
Tom Pickard  - Modo25
Tom Pickard

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