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Digital news to watch: How Barbie got ‘comfortable being uncomfortable’ to strengthen brand

Welcome to our weekly news roundup, where we bring you the latest developments and noteworthy stories in digital marketing. This week, we delve into the world of branding, exploring how Barbie embraced discomfort to strengthen its image. We also uncover valuable insights on creating an effective SEO strategy in 2023, and discover three essential elements for PR professionals to craft winning creative campaigns.

We shine a light on the European Parliament’s audit of Google Ads and delve into Elon Musk’s candid remarks about Twitter’s cash flow. Lastly, we look into the controversial role of advertising in Brexit, as the Daily Mail faces scrutiny for its role in the Leave campaign.

How Barbie got ‘comfortable being uncomfortable’ to strengthen its brand

The soon-to-be-released Barbie film looks set to be a massive hit and Mattel has given the brand a makeover to make it relevant for today’s consumers. Barbie has historically received criticism for showcasing unrealistic beauty standards and limited representation. However, the brand recognised the need to evolve in order to resonate with the changing attitudes and values of its audience. Barbie’s journey has not been without its challenges. There were instances where the brand faced criticism and backlash for its attempts to change. However, Barbie remained steadfast in its commitment to evolve, recognising that discomfort was an essential part of growth and progress.

How to create an effective SEO strategy in 2023

The process of crafting an effective SEO strategy to fit with ongoing trends and updates can be difficult. However, this guide provides valuable insights and guidance on developing a successful strategy for businesses in the current digital landscape. This article emphasises the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and adapting strategies to align with evolving search engine algorithms.

Here are the key takeaways from the guide:

  • How to perform comprehensive keyword research
  • How to optimise website structure

Three things PRs need for a winning creative campaign

There are a few key elements that public relations professionals should consider when developing successful and impactful creative campaigns. It’s important to create a strong and compelling story. PRs should focus on crafting narratives that resonate with the target audience, evoke emotion, and align with brand’s values. Another key aspect is collaboration. By working closely with creative teams, PRs can leverage their expertise to deliver innovative and effective campaigns that break through the noise.

European Parliament audits Google Ads and raises concerns 

The European Parliament has conducted an audit of Google Ads and raised concerns regarding the transparency of its advertising practices. The audit report, titled “Adalytics,” questions Google’s handling of user data, ad placement, and potential antitrust issues. It calls for greater transparency and clarity in Google’s advertising operations to ensure fair competition and protect user privacy. The report also emphasises the need for stricter regulations and improved oversight of digital advertising platforms. The audit findings contribute to the ongoing scrutiny of tech giants’ advertising practices and may have implications for future regulatory actions in the European Union.

Twitter cashflow negative with 50% drop in ad revenue

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has made comments about Twitter’s cash flow, stating that it is “cash flow negative.” With advertising revenue taking a beating since he purchased the business. Musk expressed his concerns regarding the profitability of the social media platform during a recent interview. Twitter has been facing challenges in generating sustainable profits despite its large user base. Musk’s remarks shed light on the financial struggles of the company, raising questions about its long-term viability and the need for effective revenue-generating strategies. The comments from one of the world’s most influential tech leaders have added to the ongoing discussions surrounding Twitter’s financial performance and the future of the platform.

Brexit was bad for advertising

The Mail’s chief revenue officer, Dominic Williams, has acknowledged that Brexit had a negative impact on advertising despite the newspaper’s support for leaving the EU. Williams mentioned that the UK’s decision to exit the EU was affecting advertising spend due to the state of the country’s economy. He admitted that this conclusion was ironic considering the Mail’s position on Brexit. Williams further stated that the combination of Brexit, the pandemic, Ukraine, and cost-of-living concerns had collectively affected advertising budgets, not just for their newspaper but for others as well.

If you would like support with your digital marketing plans, and would like help with you PPC campaigns, SEO strategy or you’d like to explore affiliate marketing – get in touch with us. Our team of experts will be more than willing to discuss your requirements, send us an email to

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Matthew Fraser
Matthew Fraser - Modo25
Matthew Fraser

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