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ModoFest 2024 🎉

Festival season is officially here with the likes of Reading and Leeds Festival, Glastonbury and Latitude. And not to miss out on the festival of the season, Modo25 held our 5th annual ModoFest. Hosted in a glamorous tipi, ModoFest had talks from key speakers from each internal team. The teams discussed their updates, growth and  progress as well as what we hope to collectively achieve for next year.

Each team ran through their proposals, giving everyone a chance to learn more about what they do and develop more of an understanding for our long term goals. Briefly stepping away from our usual work, the Modo25 team discussed a unified approach to achieving our new and upcoming objectives, progressing with company developments and some exciting news on what’s to come.

The day wasn’t just talks of KPIs and plans for the future however, there was also the Modo awards, featuring this years dog growth of the year, Kuro 🐕

Kuro, unfortunately wasn’t at ModoFest to accept their award, but their owner graciously accepted on their behalf. With the promise of additional treats when Kuro next joins us in the office.

After our company wide presentation, we separated into groups for some ModoFest activities. Including building the tallest tower from spaghetti, Marshmallows and Blue Tac. The winning team had a tower of over 96 cm! We were also given the task of creating a video that gives good vibes. Special shout out to the everyone in the village who made fabulous extras, and let us use their pools too!

ModoFest 2024 rounded up with a delicious bbq, drinks and more activities. With glitter tattoos, giant Jenga and DJ sets from two of Modo25’s finest. The night concluded with drinks sat around a fire pit and karaoke before some of the team continued the festivities in Leeds.

Imag shows a tower of Jenga with Two of the Modo25 team Image shows two of the Modo25 team singing karaoke


To see what of what the team got up to, see our ModoFest recap Reel here.

Victoria Tappin - Modo25
Victoria Tappin
Victoria Tappin - Modo25
Victoria Tappin

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