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What you need to know about Google SGE

If you’re in SEO or digital marketing, you’ll have definitely heard of Google’s new AI update, SGE (Search Generative Experience). SGE is the experimental future of Google Search and uses generative AI to provide users with quick and clear overviews of search topics – without having to click on individual webpages.

Our CEO John Readman discussed this topic with Tim Cameron-Kitchen from Exposure Ninja on an online webinar focused on ‘How to rank in SGE’. Tim and his team are dedicated to uncovering the full capabilities of SGE and have been working on it for almost a year through its testing phase, and during the webinar, Tim and John shared their insights and thoughts into how they believe Google SGE will reshape the SEO landscape – plus the important actions that marketers need to take.

What is SGE?

Gone are the days of solely relying on website ranking to appear in search results. Google’s Search Generated Experience (SGE) leverages generative AI to provide answers directly within search results, this disrupts the traditional model where users must navigate through websites and find the information they want.

SGE represents a major turning point in search. It offers users instant information, bypassing the usual click-through process. To stay visible and relevant in this evolving search landscape, websites need to adapt swiftly.

To thrive in the age of SGE, websites need to prioritise clear, concise content that directly addresses user needs. This includes incorporating multimedia elements to keep visitors engaged.

How to rank in SGE (Tim and John’s thoughts)

Work on your content strategy and readability

Despite the opinion that ‘SEO is dead’ with the rise of SGE, it isn’t. Experiments continue to show that websites practising SEO and doing it well, have a better chance of appearing snapshots. SGE answers don’t show for every search, and Google SGE answers tend to reference high-ranking sites, so regular SEO actually doesn’t change.

Where we recommend focusing SGE optimisation is through content.

  • Updating outdated content for still-relevant topics.
  • Producing original content, like research studies or helpful tools.
  • Making content easier for users (and AI models) to read and understand. We recodmmend putting a summary paragraph at the beginning of each piece.
  • Improving content trust signals with quotes from practitioners and first-party insights.

Get featured on third-party sites

As SGE aims to show the user the most appropriate information (particularly for tools or services), it appears that you can rank in SGE snapshots, through third-party sites. Consider searches containing “best” or “top,” for example. These searches often feature sites that compile and review products, services, and businesses.

SGE itself doesn’t have a vested interest in promoting specific tools or services. But by showing results from third-party review and comparison sites, SGE offers users a more objective perspective and leverages the trust users might have in established review platforms.


To stay ahead of the SGE curve, websites need a multi-pronged SEO approach. This includes local optimisation, high-quality blog content, and a focus on building trust and reputation.

Google’s evolving search algorithms, including the recent SGE update, prioritise user experience and relevant content. By embracing these changes, marketers can craft SEO strategies that resonate with both search engines and human audiences, ensuring their content remains visible despite the rise of generative AI. For more information on SGE, or you’d like to discuss SEO strategies with our team, get in touch by sending us an email to 

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